What it costs to get 100.000 subscribers on Youtube (we analyzed 1.859.291 channels)
In our second data study we wanted to gather precise data to understand what it takes to grow from 0 to 100.000 subscribers.
check out our 10K study and 1M study here for more details.
Out of the total amount of channels we analyzed, we extracted 15.931 channels worldwide who recently reached 100.000 subscribers, the following numbers are based on this data sample.
Here are our findings:
- On average, it takes 2286 days to reach 100.000 subscribers, that's 6.2 years. It's interesting to compare to the average time it takes to get to 10K subscribers - because, on average, it takes only 163 days more to reach 100K than it takes to reach 10K. It shows that how you work to your objective is very important.
- 11% of channels managed to reach 100K in only 150 videos, and 4.1% managed to reach that score in only 50 videos.
- If we take the average time and divide it by the amount of videos, publishing 3 times per month is a reasonable schedule to reach 100K videos
Let's look at the present study in detail, from 0 to 100.000 subscribers on YouTube.
How many days to reach 100k subscribers?
We know it takes important amounts of work to grow a succesfull channel, but how much work exactly ?
On average, it takes 2286 days to reach 100.000 subscribers.
Let's look at the graph:
Some performance metrics :
- top 5% best performers : 433 days
- top 25% best performers : 1110 days
- 50% : 2034 days
- and lowest 25% : 3260 days
How many videos to reach 100.000 subscribers?
On average YouTubers needed to produce 934 videos to reach 100.000 subscribers. However here, just like in the data study from 0 to 10.000 subscribers, the average doesn’t give a clear view of the situation, so let’s look at the graphic for more details :
14.6% of channels reached 100K subscribers posting under 200 videos and 19.2% reached that under 3O0 videos. There’s a long trail that drives the statistics down. If we take the average amount of days to reach 100K subscribers and divide this by 200, we can see that it’s possible to reach 100K subscribers by publishing one video every 11.4 days. It’s an important metric, indicating that it’s not necessary to publish every week to build a succesfull channel. Publishing 3 times per month is enough, 11% of channels managed to reach 100K in only 150 videos, and 4.1% managed to reach that score in only 50 videos.
However if we take the average of channels who reached 100K subscribers they posted one video every 2.4 days. It’s a lot of videos!
So optimizing the production to get more out of videos is essential because the rythm of publishing one video every 2 days can be exhausting.
Some examples of channels
Here’s an example of top performing US channels who reached 100K subscribers under 250 days (we filtered in the US to keep things understandable and only kept the one in english language) in the 100.000 range we studied (note that by the time you will read the study the subscribers count will have evolved)
channelId channelTitle subscriberCount Country delta_date videoCount 21640 UC_ItSxaYkp9FBaHnDl9pwRg UnknownRatingz 110000 US 108 129 20689 UCPHmSdBr3Wp9P3P47h1Lb8A Tips Unknown 110000 US 196 88 19902 UCKw8n9_WNxnyrWcPFZtSvZQ Ballroom dancing 109000 US 213 140 19396 UC7CHd4SGz_tDo2pQWJH4jKg Simple Weekend 109000 US 241 113 18781 UCZC1VT0U5lU4rWS6RTz26iA Monkey Zim shorts 109000 US 146 517 16565 UC0LS7QI7R6b4yrljxsHumpQ Teen Times 108000 US 228 66 15958 UCqKnghh18Lc0DwwRBlOkZHw doober43 107000 US 70 110 15795 UCt9-TAJIUgwNgnoqAy2aBQw Kevin 107000 US 196 156 15754 UCeMwXtxYKKQSSqDdnnPkCHw Travel with Peppa 107000 US 94 87 14236 UCAi50sh6ptVfG1OdqSRsU0Q WORLD LEGENDS 2.0 106000 US 241 152 13695 UC3v8yN7tRS0hpEpLKIWsyUA Learn with Cody from CoComelon 106000 US 214 90 13174 UCD_xj_Lkusp7HAwdUMn7KjA Hamlet 106000 US 228 242 13078 UC37hr9QSWmoNdgkIo90n9hg Hollywood Action 106000 US 136 4 11646 UCHMaGD0ONQaTJLTG38scuAw Sail Playtime 105000 US 250 80 10229 UCswU-sSvUl3xU6H6KfZHHmw Marshall Animation 104000 US 128 7 10018 UCfNSa12EhLzD9T_JSm22L6Q GRTractor 104000 US 90 107 8187 UCoYuJGNhOodcUtRxRxtNQqA family entertainment shorts 103000 US 214 1182
What do you think of this data ? We were surprized by the time needed to get to 100K subscribers on average. If you are looking to accelerate your growth, check out our keywords tool to help you find high growth keywords for YouTube. Tell us your thoughts, and what kind of other types of data studies you would like to see next !
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